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Perennials are herbaceous plants that return 3 years or more. Each year, they’re available starting in March, and selection evolves throughout the growing season. Perennials are highly adaptable, winter hardy, and easily maintained once established.

The promise of amazing color and long bloom cycles year after year are the treasured benefits that attract homeowners to perennial gardening. A single planting session can lead to years, even decades, of enjoyment. Perennials are also recognized for being particularly stunning when planted en masse.

Not sure what blooms when? Follow this gardening life hack: Anytime your garden is lacking in blooms, visit Petitti’s and select from the perennials currently displayed in bloom on our tables. It’s the best way to become visually oriented to the plants that come into flower as the months pass, and you’ll soon curate a progressively flowering perennial garden for all seasons in Northeast Ohio!

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