
the most desirable flowers


Summer signals the long blooming season of the Northeast Ohio gardener’s most desirable flower, the Hydrangea! With bountiful, eye-catching blooms, these flowering shrubs and small trees can make a sizeable impact in partly shaded to sunny landscapes. And, eventhough some varieties require a little maintenance, their massive flowers that continue to bloom summer into fall, year after year are well worth the effort.

At Petitti’s, you’ll find Northeast Ohio’s largest collection of cold-hardy Hydrangea plants with dozens and dozens of options ranging in color, size, and type. Get acquainted with the six main species of Hydrangeas we grow below, and you’ll quickly learn which type suits your yard conditions. Then, visit Petitti Garden Centers to experience our varieties!

growing hydrangeas

like a boss

Now that you know the differences between each type of hydrangea we grow here in Northeast Ohio it’s time to get planting so you can enjoy their blooms for years to come.

Looking for more information on hydrangea gardening? We’re here to help! Check out our hydrangea gardening resources page to find more information on pruning, fertilizing, and even changing the color of hydrangea blooms.

Hydrangea Gardening Resources