Community Involvement

Committed To


Angelo, AJ, and the entire Petitti Garden Center family understand well that the community has made us what we are today, and so we’re committed to giving back. It is a cornerstone belief of our company to support our local community.



Petitti’s believes that being surrounded by nature and nurturing connection with nature can have a profound impact on personal well-being as well as the health and wellness of larger communities. As such, we conduct several projects around the philosophy of planting with purpose.

Each month during the spring, summer, and fall seasons, we partner with Fox 8 Cleveland to Flower Bomb homeowners who deserve to be recognized or otherwise could use a little cheering up.

We also occasionally partner with the City of Cleveland and local volunteers enhance communities through the beautification of common areas. Since this effort began in 2017, more than 10,000 trees and flowering shrubs have been planted for the enjoyment of residents and visitors.

Learn more about flower bombing