Deer Resistant Gardening

The ins and outs of

Deer Resistant Gardening

Deer browsing is the #1 challenge for gardeners in Northeast Ohio. Fortunately, it’s possible to overcome or work around this issue with a little know-how. Here, we address 3 main ways to keep deer at a distance: implementing physical barriers, applying deer repellents, or selecting deer-resistant plants.

deer resistant plants

No plant is 100% “deer-proof”. However, many plants feature traits or characteristics that deer do not like, and so the animals tend to skip over them when passing through a garden. Plants that are thorny (all the way to the tips), pricklyfuzzyleatheryfragrant (in a good or bad way), or which bleed a milky sap when cut are all excellent indicators of a deer-resistant plant. We’ve compiled a list of annuals, perennials, trees, and shrubs considered ‘deer resistant’ in Northeast Ohio, organized by Good (rarely eaten), Medium (occasionally eaten), and Poor (often eaten) resistance.