Evolvulus spp.

evolvulus, dwarf morning glory

About the Evolvulus, Dwarf Morning Glory

Brilliant, cobalt blue flowers are stunning over green-gray, fuzzy foliage that forms a mounded, somewhat trailing habit. Newer versions of Evolvulus have been bred for improved heat and drought tolerance, long blooming, and self-cleaning attributes. Use in patriotic colored gardens and containers or as a cool blue groundcover at the garden’s edge.

Care Notes

Grow in sunny areas, well-drained, amended soil or containers. Feed with a slow release fertilizer, Osmocote® or Plant-tone®. Follow label instructions. No deadheading needed. Trim once a month if growing leggy. Mulch 2″ to suppress weeds, retain moisture and protect against extremes of soil temperature.

Planting For Success

Angelo's Planting Guide

We want your new plants to look as amazing at home as they do in our garden centers! And we know the level of care taken when planting can make all the difference. Follow Angelo's six easy steps for best results and performance.

Read the Full Guide

  • Full Sun
  • Spring to Frost
  • 6-12"
  • 6-12"

Recommended Product

Companion Plants

Plant with heat tolerant Coleus (thriller), Euphorbia (filler) and Lantana (spiller).