December 10, 2022

Keeping Your Poinsettia Alive

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The Christmas Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) is the most popular holiday plant in the United States. Its festive color will last the entire holiday season and stretch well into winter, if you provide the simple support it needs including the right mix of light, room temperature, and water. If you purchased a poinsettia or received a poinsettia as a gift, read on to learn how easy it is to keep it alive all winter so you can enjoy it as long as you like.

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When should I water my poinsettia?

Water your poinsettia plant only when the top layer of soil feels dry to the touch. Thoroughly moisten the soil to the point that water is draining from the bottom of the growing pot. Discard any excess water that builds up in the saucer or decorative foil pot cover. If left to sit in excess water, poinsettias will develop root rot and die.

One helpful trick is to learn how to water poinsettias with ice cubes! With this technique, the ice cube waters the plant slowly and evenly as it melts. At the suggested rate of one ice cube per inch of pot diameter, a typical 6” pot would call for six ice cubes. Overwatering is the enemy of most houseplants during winter, so practicing good houseplant watering habits can make all the difference!

How long will my poinsettia stay in color?

Poinsettias typically flower anywhere from two to eight weeks, and some varieties display colorful bracts well into March with the best care. Once the flower bracts do fade, it’s best to put the plant into a state of dormancy, so it can rest up before the active spring growing season.

To induce dormancy, heavily prune the plant back to 4-8” tall, leaving one or two leaves per stem. Decrease the amount of water so that the top inch of soil is absolutely dry before reapplying water. Keep the plant in a cool location (60⁰F is best). Do not fertilize. Don’t worry if your poinsettia doesn’t show signs of fading until late March; every plant is different.

poinsettias for winter

With proper care and attention, poinsettias will add beauty to your home or office all winter long. As an indoor plant, all they require is the right balance of light, temperature, and water.

Learn More About Poinsettias