Gardenia jasminoides


About the Gardenia

Gardenias are one of the most enticing tropical, flowering houseplants with glossy green foliage, compact, shrubby habit, and irresistible, fragrant, waxy-white flowers. This is an intermediate to experienced gardener’s plant, requiring careful attention to sunlight and temperature requirements. Often given as a beautifully fragrant gift, especially around Easter and Mother’s Day. A.k.a Cape Jasmine.

Care Notes

Grow in 4+ hours of direct sun per day to bright indirect light (5-6’ from a sunny window), eastern exposure is preferable. Prefers average household temperatures, 60° at night, and 70°F during the day, the 10 degree dip at night is crucial to set buds! Keep soil evenly moist at all times. Supply extra humidity by spray misting or setting on a shallow tray of moistened pebbles. Feed with an acidic plant food like Holly-tone® April-September. Bud drop is a common occurence that may be caused by too much or too little water, dry air, cold or hot drafts, or too many dark winter days.

Planting For Success

Angelo's Planting Guide

We want your new plants to look as amazing at home as they do in our garden centers! And we know the level of care taken when planting can make all the difference. Follow Angelo's six easy steps for best results and performance.

Read the Full Guide

  • Sun to Part Shade
  • 1-3'
  • 1-3'

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Companion Plants

Grow with other morning sun loving tropical plants such as Orchids, Succulents, and Citrus.