Dracaena spp.

corn plant, dragon tree, spike, dracaena

About the Corn Plant, Dragon Tree, Spike, Dracaena

A relative of the Agave family, there are numerous varieties of this reliable foliage houseplant. Their attractive leaves emerge as a rosette around a woody stem. As they grow taller they shed their bottom leaves. The Corn Plant’s foliage is thick and striped with yellow resembling a tropical corn stalk/palm. The Dragon Tree possesses long, spikey leaves on thin, woody stems. They make excellent container plants in almost any light condition, working well in the office or at home. Dracaena are also excellent air purifiers. Shop Dracaena varieties available now.

Care Notes

Grow in sun to shade to indirect medium to bright light. Prefers cool to average household temperatures, 60°-70°F. Keep soil evenly moist to slightly dry. Supply extra humidity by setting on a shallow tray of moistened pebbles. Feed with Osmocote or Miracle-Gro April-September. Trim dry tips and remove yellow foliage as they shed their bottom leaves. Over winter or grow indoors as a houseplant if desired. Mulch 2″ to suppress weeds, retain moisture and protect against extremes of soil temperature.

Planting For Success

Angelo's Planting Guide

We want your new plants to look as amazing at home as they do in our garden centers! And we know the level of care taken when planting can make all the difference. Follow Angelo's six easy steps for best results and performance.

Read the Full Guide

  • Sun to Part Shade
  • 10-30"
  • 6-18"

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Companion Plants

Indoors, grow with most other foliage plants such as Croton, Ivy, Schefflera, Pothos, and Ficus. Use outdoors as a "thriller" in sun or shade combinations with SunPatiens (filler), Coleus (thriller), and Petunias (filler/spiller).