Rosa spp.

climbing rose

About the Climbing Rose

Appropriately named for their tall, climbing habit, they are best grown with support from a trellis, arbors, fences, or other structures where they can be trained vertically or horizontally. Climbing rose varieties vary widely from single to showy multi-petal blooms in a rainbow of colors and bicolors. Some varieties bloom once in a big display and others are excellent repeat bloomers. Fragrance and disease resistance varies too. Perfect in sunny rose, cutting, and cottage gardens. Browse our selection of climbing rose varieties online.

Care Notes

Plant in well-drained, amended soil at least 4-5′ apart. Water well after planting; maintain 1” of water once a week the first year. Prune lightly in spring when new growth appears, removing dry or winter damaged areas. Feed at least three times (full leaf, after first bloom, and in August) during the growing season with a slow release fertilizer. Follow label instructions. Mulch 2″ to suppress weeds, retain moisture and protect against extremes of soil temperature. Deadhead and clean around the base of the plant as much as possible. Keep an insect and disease control such as Neem Oil on hand. Spray with Wilt-stop to protect from winter desiccation and mulch the base 4-6″ in late November to protect the graft/bud union.

Planting For Success

Angelo's Planting Guide

We want your new plants to look as amazing at home as they do in our garden centers! And we know the level of care taken when planting can make all the difference. Follow Angelo's six easy steps for best results and performance.

Read the Full Guide

  • Full Sun
  • Summer
  • 6-20'
  • 4-8'

Recommended Product

Companion Plants

Plant with Barberry, Panicle Hydrangea, and Junipers.