Hydrangea macrophylla

mophead hydrangea

About the Mophead Hydrangea

Commonly called Bigleaf or Mophead, macrophylla hydrangeas form gorgeous, grapefruit-size flowers that form full pom-poms or lacey centered blooms that add fantastic shades of pink, blue, purple or white to the summer landscape over big, waxy, medium to dark green leaves. Blue and pink flowering types’ colors can be changed by adjusting soil pH, (see care instructions). Mophead flowers make stunning additions to fresh and dried arrangements. They grow best in protected, partial shade near homes, in a landscape border, as a specimen, or as a hedge. Browse our selection of Mophead (macrophylla) varieties.

Care Notes

Plant in well-drained to moist, amended soil. Water well after planting; maintain 1” of water once a week the first year. Prune down to uppermost growth in spring. Remove dead, winter damaged stems and silver, older wood at this time. Deadhead in summer through fall. Feed early spring and mid-summer with a slow release fertilizer. For blue flowers use Aluminum Sulfate or Garden Sulfur; for pink apply Garden Lime. Use Triple Phosphate to help force blooms. Follow label instructions. Mulch 2″ to suppress weeds, retain moisture and protect against extremes of soil temperature. Benefits from winter protection.

Planting For Success

Angelo's Planting Guide

We want your new plants to look as amazing at home as they do in our garden centers! And we know the level of care taken when planting can make all the difference. Follow Angelo's six easy steps for best results and performance.

Read the Full Guide

  • Part Shade
  • Summer
  • 2-5'
  • 2-5'

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